Your 101 Google Adwords Setup Guide – Part 2
This part is more into keywords, adding keywords list to the ad groups and growing t
his list.
11- Start adding your keywords to your ad groups. (Go back to part one where we
talked about keywords.)
- Adwords will also give you more suggested keywords (as in the box to the right in
the below image), and suggests the keywords tool to you (Which we’ll talk about
- Adding Keywords to Ad groups
12- You can also copy your keywords to more than one ad group, by selecting the
keywords you want to copy, and then going to More actions and select Copy.
- copying keywords to ad groups
13- Once you select copy, a pop-up will ask you to select your campaign and ad group.
- You can also copy the bid and the destination url.
Selectng the destination ad group for your copied keywords
- Copying your keywords to an ad group
14- Keyword Tool: You can use this tool by going to Tools and Analysis from the top
and then selecting Keyword Tool
- Adwords - Keyword Tool
15- You can find keywords by adding a word or phrase in the first text box, &/or use a
website url in the 2nd text box, &/or selecting/typing a category in the 3rd text box.
- Finding Keywords Using Keyword Tool
16- There are 2 tabs in the middle of the page: Keywords Ideas & Ad group Ideas.
- The 1st one will simple save the keywords you select and then move them to the ad
group you select from top, or when you select Add to Account below that tab.
- The 2nd one will actually create ad groups (new) based on the themes of those
keywords, which is awesome and will save you time!
- Keyword Ideas & Ad Group Ideas
17- Once you select/save your keywords and click on Add to account, you’ll need to
select your campaign and ad group (as previously mentioned).
- Adding Keywords to Your Account
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