Your 101 Google Analytics Setup Guide
In this post, we'll talk about the basics of how to setup a new Google Analytics account and tracking code on your website.
Here's what you need to do:
1- Go to
2- Click on Create an account button on the top right of the page- Google Analytics Setup - Step1&2
3- Sign in with your Google Email if you already have one, Or
4- Click on Sign Up button on the top right of the page
4- Click on Sign Up button on the top right of the page
- Google Analytics Setup - Step 3&4
5- Fill in the below form to create a new account.
- Google Analytics Setup - Step5
6- Once done, sign in with your Google Account.
- Google Analytics Setup - Step6
7- Click on Sign Up Button as in the below screen
- Google Analytics Seypt - Step7
8- Fill in the following form with you Account Name, URL, Time Zone, Industry and don’t forget to select your country from the drop down menu under User Agreement section.
9- Click on the box next to Yes, I agree to the above terms and conditions statement, below the Terms and Conditions area.
10- Click on Create Account.
- Google Analytics Setup - Steps 8-10
11- In this page, you need to select the tracking options: Standard, Advanced and Custom, and you can also track your mobile applications if you need to.
12- We’ll proceed with the standard tracking. You’ll need to select the type of the domain you’re tracking: single domain, One domain with multiple subdomains or multiple top-level domains.
- Google Analytics Setup - Step 11&12
13- The second part of the page will show you the tracking code that you’ll need to copy and past on your site.
14- You can also email the instructions to your technical team (as in the second part of the following screen shot).
15- Make sure that you will place this code before the closing of the header area of each page of your site.
16 – Click on Save, and once the code is placed on your website, you can start browsing through different reports by clicking on Home, Standard Reporting or Custom Reporting on the top of the page.
- Google Analytics Setup - Steps 13-16
17- Here’s the standard reporting view (no data for this one as code wasn’t placed on the site yet)
- Google Analytics Setup - Step17
18- Here’s the Home page reporting view – My Dashboard (no data for this one as code wasn’t placed on the site yet).
- Google Analytics Setup - Step18
Happy Reporting!
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